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Magazine Design for Vogue

  1. How does the design that you created demonstrate your knowledge of Magazine Design and the parts of a magazine cover and interior?

The interior was the part that I had to create and I demonstrated it by including all the parts and placing them in the right spots.

  1. In what ways does your magazine connect to the corporate identity of the magazine? What are some design queues that you used from the existing magazine?

It connects with Vogue because the font, spacing and images that I used, have a similar style to the Vogue magazines. For the font I mostly used serif fonts and when it comes to the images I used images that would be taken in a photo-shoot and not candid’s because that is not vogue’s style.

  1. How did completing the brainstorming packet and sketches affect your design process?

It made it more concise and easier to develop because in the sketches my partner and I determined exactly how the layouts would be.

  1. How did you like working with a partner? How do you think working with a partner makes the design process easier and more difficult?

I liked working with my partner because we communicated and decided together on the colors we would use so our compositions would be similar. It makes the process easier because it speeds it up but more difficult when it comes to finding the same font or having the exact same colors and spacing. Also the images have to have the same kind of lighting, which is difficult to find.

  1. Looking at your partner’s design, if you were to design your partner’s portion by yourself how would it look different? What would you have changed?

I would not have changed anything because my partner and I think similarly.

  1. Describe the ideal partner (co-worker / co –designer)?





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